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​You might not know many potential partners or are looking into ways to find new ones? Here is a brief description of the sources available to find partners for your next Horizon Europe proposal.

Who can be a partner?

Before describing where to find partners, let’s just define who can be one. Any company, research organisation or non-governmental organisation can be a partner, regardless of where they are based within the EU member states or in one of the associated countries to Horizon Europe, provided they are financially viable and qualified to perform the tasks specified in the project proposal. Note that there must be proof of the operational and financial viability to carry out project tasks within the proposal for businesses (public institutions are exempt).

The partner search tool from the European Commission.

This online tool provided by the European Commission lets you look for a partner among the ones that have already participated in Horizon Europe. This tool lets you search by criteria and download the results as an Excel file. It is the best database to look for partners with experience in Horizon Europe.

The financial transparency system of the EU.

This website allows you to browse the complete list of institutions who have received EU funding from any of the EU funds and not only Horizon Europe. This will give you a much broader database than the previous one.

Under each Horizon Europe call

On the webpage of each specific Horizon Europe call, you have a list of organisations looking for partnerships or proposing their contributions to proposals. The benefit is that, if you have identified the call you want to apply for, you have a screened list of potential partners directly available for you.

The Enterprise Europe Network database

This data base lets you search for companies based in the EU that are members of the large EEN. This website is not targeted only to Horizon Europe but can be used to look for Horizon Europe partners.


The European Commission organises regular infodays dedicated to specific Horizon Europe topics. While the infodays aim at providing information about the calls, they are also a great networking opportunity.

The NCPs CARE search tool

This tool targets only the projects in the Climate, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials actions.

National contact points

The NCPs are people who act as contact persons in each country for specific Horizon Europe topics and that can provide you with information but also help you find local partners. The best way for you is to contact the NCPs of the countries where you would like to get a partner.

LinkedIn groups

The widely used professional social network has several groups related to Horizon Europe, of which two main one that are general and many groups dedicated to specific Horizon Europe topics. By joining these groups, you can post a partner search request and be read by many potential partners.