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Empowering healthcare professionals with innovative solutions and AI to improve their resilience and wellbeing

Project dates

Project led by
Université de Montpellier

Role of Innotrope


The project

The overall objective of the APOLLO2028 project is to provide health and care workers, organisations, and healthcare system funders and policy makers with research-backed innovative solutions to help improve mental health, wellbeing, and capacity to be more resilient to changing environments (especially daily pressures and extreme events) at the workplace. The project will study individual factors affecting resilience, group factors, organizational factors, and develop a model involving all types of factors. This model will serve as a basis for the production of guidelines to be disseminated to health and care workers, their managers, as well as policy makers and health systems funders. We will also develop an AI-based system to support in the identification of stress factors and recommend actions.

The main impact of the project will be a reduction of stress factors at the workplace, and an improvement of resilience of all the health and care workers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101057251.